This will be a short update, dear public, as I need an early night.
Suffice to say that today, because of a landslide, our route was diverted at one point adding 7 miles to what was already by far the longest stage of the ride. So that meant a mere 134 miles over Rannoch Moor and down Glencoe to finish a few miles the other side of Fort William.
To make things really interesting the weather overnight had been atrocious with gale force winds brining in squally showers all night. You notice that sort of thing in a tent. Breakfast was a sober affair with lots of worried, sleep deprived faces - and with good reason.
We were 'allowed' to start early because of the longer day and our little team of 3 set off at 6.30 am.
Skirting through the western Glasgow suburbs we were very aware of the still very strong head/cross winds. It was also wet but not torrentially so.
We made good time through some pretty countryside and after Callender stopped for a coffee, which felt a real indulgence.
Amazingly the weather turned in our favour while we climbed up to Rannoch Moor. We saw some sun and the scenery up there was truly magnificent. I'd not seen this since Helen and I had ridden up from Crianlanarch many years ago on loaded touring bikes.
But despite the sun the riding was brutal because of the ferocity of the headwind and we had to work very hard to make headway. Both up and down! There is particular unfairness having to fight your way down a long descent after a gruelling climb.
We had one indulgence. Chris suggested a 'wee dram' at the pub in Glencoe Village. We deviated a mile down a beautiful side valley and surprised the locals somewhat who are more used to climbers than exhausted, sweaty cyclists.
Fortified, we carried on down and along the stunning coastline to Fort William.
This had to be one of the hardest days I have ever had on a bike but one of the most rewarding too. It was truly uplifting to see riders helping and encouraging others and applauding in the slower riders who didn't arrive in camp until after 8.00 pm
2 days to go. I need to sleep!
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